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  • IGA 2017 in Berlin

    At the one of the lasts weekends I went with my family to IGA 2017. The IGA is an International Garden Exhibition and therefore, in an area of ​​104 hectares, there is an exhibition dedicated to gardening and landscape architecture from around the world as well as to the future of urban green spaces
    This garden festival takes place in the Gärten der Welt (Gardens of the world) and at the area around them on the neighbouring Kienberg and Wuhletal.



    I have to write that we had a great time! There is a lot of things to do, and you must definitely start in the morning, because I’m sure you’ll be out late in the afternoon. As always, it is best to bring a blanket, food and really nothing else you need for happiness. A lot of attractions is prepared, area is huge and we have not seen yet all we wanted but hopefully, we will be back on IGA in October.
    We started our tour from the entrance of „Kienbergpark”. The ticket is quite expensive because it costs € 20, but I think it is really worth it, especially since children up to 6 years of age do not pay anything. In the price of the ticket there is a cable car ride included and it is really a great attraction. The views are beautiful and the cable car has one stop along the way, at the top of the hill with a viewing platform, where you can admire al the landscape. Right next to it, there is also a bobsleigh track, paid extra, but not much, €3 per person. Children up to 4 years of age (they are very careful to ensure that the child is 4 or over) may also take part in the ride accompanied by an adult.





    From this stop I recommend a walk to reach ‚Gardens of the world’ part. On your way there, you will pass a pleasant playground and nice bridge. In the ‚Gardens of the world’ there are several small and large gastronomy spots, beautiful thematic gardens and also a scene where different shows take place on weekends (when we were there actor was reading fairy tales for children). Everywhere there you can find deck chairs, normal chairs, grass where you can sit and rest. There is also another nice playground and a maze in which you can have a lot of fun. Everyone will find something for themselves – a quiet alley to read a book, or places to meet a lot of people.





    And at the end, there is a real attraction for children: a beautiful water playground with an amazing whale. It was an absolute highlight for our daughter. Whale can be entered, its interior conceals a lot of surprises and it is designed really sensational.
    Next to the whale there are also few spots where the water is spritzed or kids can do that by themselves. This playground, in my opinion, is the best water playground in whole Berlin, is really amazing. We spent like 2 hours only there.
    From this playground you can go to tents with flowers exhibition and that was how we finished our visit, however we have not seen everything yet. After admiring flowers,  we headed to the cable car and we went back to the entry point. Our visit was really great and we really loved it. IGA 2017 is finishing on 15th of October so there is still some time to visit it. I highly recommend that! I cannot wait to see the start of Autumn there!
    More information can be found here: https://iga-berlin-2017.de/en


    All the best!







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